Custom-Blended Bird Seed

Feast Your Eyes on the Bird Buffet of Dreams with Dufferin Wildlife Supplies! 🌻🐦

Ready to be the talk of the treetops and the hero at the hopper? At Dufferin Wildlife Supplies, we make that dream a reality with our tailor-made bird feed concoctions that turn your feeders into the hottest tickets in the sky!

100+ Reviews
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4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating

🌿 Custom-Blended Bird Seed – Freshness that Flutters

There’s nothing quite like the sight of happy, healthy birds swinging by your feeders for a bite. That’s why we pour our hearts into perfecting every seed blend, guaranteeing a menu that’s not just irresistible to your feathery patrons but also bursting with the nutritional nibbles they need to thrive. Whether served in feeders, trays, or a simple ground buffet, our seed mixes make every meal a sky-high soirée!

🌾 A Legacy of Quality

For years, we’ve been the champions of chirp-worthy, fresh bird seed blends that make every peck an adventure. Sourced from the finest ingredients, our custom blends keep our flying friends fueled up and ready to serenade you with tweets of gratitude.

🍽️ Variety is the Spice of Life (and Bird Feeding!)

Mix it up and watch the magic happen. The more diverse your spread, the more colorful your crew of winged wonders. High-energy, calorie-rich food is the name of the game, and our blends are the grandmasters.

✨ Black Oil Sunflower – The Main Attraction

The cornerstone of our custom seed blends is none other than Black Oil Sunflower. Think of it as the birdseed buffet’s pièce de résistance – offering maximum taste and nutrition to draw in a crowd of Ontario’s finest flyers. Only the freshest and most beloved seeds make it into our mixes, ensuring that your garden becomes the grand stage for feathered festivity.

🐧 Winter Warriors Deserve Suet

From suet balls to cakes, our suet supplies are the perfect cold-weather complement, ensuring your birds are fueled through every stage of life – migration, moulting, and parenting.

Come in Today!

So, what are you waiting for? Spread your wings and land in our store to explore our wing-slapping selection at prices that will have you tweeting with glee. It’s time to be the architect of your own bird paradise with Wildlife Supplies!

🏅 Our Prize-Winning Seed Blends

Dabble in our diverse range of handcrafted seed blends

  • TRADITIONAL BLEND: The crowd-pleaser, drawing everybirdy from sparrows to doves.
  • CALEDON CLASSIC: Step up to a cornucopia of grains and hearts – with or without corn, your call!
  • FINCH FEAST (Regular & Deluxe): A tiny-beaked treasure trove, rich in oils for gleaming feathers.
  • CARDINAL’S CHOICE: A cardinal’s dream with sunflower and safflower aplenty.
  • SUPREME BLEND: A no-filler fling with all the seeds that make birds sing.
  • MILLET FREE MIX: A luxury banquet, from sunflower to safflower, minus the millet.
  • NO MESS MIX: A summertime sensation, all enjoyment, no cleanup required.

Store looks great, thank you for the help Brett. Looking forward to attracting the pretty birds with the Dufferin Classic – no corn
John Grant
Had the chance to go to this new location in Orangeville, what a pleasure it was. So much selection at amazing prices. Everything is well organized and very clean. Excellent customer service and very knowledgeable about all products. Will definitely be returning!

Hillary Wray
Great look & location! A friend & I stopped in on opening day. We found great variety, and high quality products. The bin of suet balls I picked up are being enjoyed by woodpeckers as I write. Brett was welcoming, knowledgeable and helpful. We will certainly be regular customers. We both Highly Recommend to birders and pet owners, put it on your Go-To-Store list.

Heather Ryall-Korekiyo

Bird Lovers, Rejoice! 🐦✨

If you have any questions or need assistance, our team is just an email or phone call away.